Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy

Affordable Housing Contributions Analysis & Infrastructure Contributions Analysis
The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) led development of the Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy following the Greater Sydney Commission’s review of planning for the Western Harbour Precinct which includes the Pyrmont Peninsula.
What we did
Atlas was engaged to assist DPHI with implementation of the Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy, providing land use and development feasibility advice to assist with development of the sub-precinct masterplans.
The work additionally involved a review of applicable affordable housing policy and the policy settings required to achieve diverse and affordable housing outcomes.
Atlas tested the viability of affordable housing contributions and special infrastructure contributions (SIC) in the Pyrmont Peninsula.
The outcome
In December 2021 DPHI publicly exhibited the Pyrmont Peninsula sub-precinct Masterplans and a draft SIC.
In July 2022 the sub-precinct master plans and new planning controls for the key sites in Pyrmont were finalised.
A State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) has amended Sydney Local Environmental Plan 2012 to change the relevant planning controls.
The Pyrmont Special Infrastructure Contribution has also been finalised and provides for contributions to be collected from new development in the Pyrmont Peninsula Special Contributions Area.
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