Liverpool Private Hospital Proposal

Economic Demand Analysis
The site is located within the South Western Sydney Local Health District, just west of the Liverpool Hospital which is the major tertiary referral and teaching hospital (and Level 1 Trauma Centre) for south western Sydney. It is also located within the Liverpool Health and Education Precinct (LHAP) which includes the Ingham Institute of Applied Medical Research, which is a clinical skills and simulation centre.
Liverpool Hospital has almost 900 patient beds and was undergoing a significant expansion, resulting in additional beds and the establishment of the Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct.
Sacco Building Group submitted a planning proposal to enable the development of a private health and education facility - consulting and education space, private hospital beds, operating theatres and ambulatory care and radiation oncology within a 20-storey building.
What we did
Atlas prepared an economic demand analysis to assist Liverpool City Council understand the economic need for the proposal in the context of the Liverpool City Centre.
The analysis found strong regional demand for health services over the coming decades as evidenced by strong population and marked increase in older residents, high level of projected hospital admissions at Liverpool Hospital, rising private health insurance coverage and significant growth expected in the health and education sectors.
The outcome
In 2023 the planning proposal was finalised and planning controls made. In 2024 the centrepiece of the first phase of the LHAP development - the new Integrated Services Building was completed. It includes an expanded Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, new birthing suites and a new centralised Pathology Department.
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