Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2

Land Use Analysis and Infrastructure Contributions Analysis
In December 2015, the NSW Government announced commitment to a light rail route through Greater Parramatta as the foundation for a wider light rail network. A final business case for Stage 1 in late 2016 identified a route between Westmead and Camellia, via the Parramatta CBD and northwards to Carlingford.
In late 2017 a preferred Stage 2 alignment was announced, planned to connect to Stage 1 at Camellia Town Centre, through Ermington to Melrose Park, south to Wentworth Point via a new Parramatta River crossing, and on to Sydney Olympic Park and Carter Street. In June 2021 the NSW Government announced commitment of $50 million in the 2021-22 state budget for planning and development work of the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2.
What we did
Atlas provided property economics, development feasibility and take-up forecast advice as part of investigations into a potential land use response that would be catalysed by the Parramatta Light Rail Stage 2 project.
Atlas also provided advice on potential infrastructure contributions.
The outcome
A Final Business Case is being prepared for NSW Treasury.
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