Hunter Street Over-station Development

Review of Reference Scheme and Valuation Advice
In the commercial heart of the Sydney CBD, Hunter Street Metro Station will become a new hub with easy connections to George Street, Light Rail, Sydney Trains services at Wynyard and Martin Place and the new Sydney Metro City & Southwest station at Martin Place.
A large vibrant precinct between George, Hunter, O’Connell and Bligh streets will prioritise pedestrians and support a vibrant public domain in the heart of the Sydney CBD.
The new Hunter Street Station and Precinct project will include:
- an underground station
- underground connections to Wynyard, Martin Place and Barangaroo stations
- two over station developments (OSD) buildings over the east and west station entries
The new station and precinct and over-station development will be delivered through the Hunter Street Precinct Development Partner model, which presents a new opportunity for businesses, industry as well as community.
The heights and floor space of buildings will vary, with the east tower comprising a height of between 238.9m and 269.1m and a maximum gross floor area of 84,300sqm, while the western tower will be limited to 51 storeys with a GFA of 70,000sqm.
Developers will submit for the right to redevelop the planned new precinct above Sydney Metro’s planned Hunter Street station.
Sydney Metro is working with landowners as well as developers and integrators to deliver the best outcome for the project.
What we did
Atlas was engaged to review and provide feedback on the reference scheme from the perspective of value and market desirability. Atlas additionally provided valuation advice which will be relied upon in assessing submissions received for the over-station development opportunity. The project’s shortlist of potential development partners has been announced.
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