Belfield Masterplan

Economic and Feasibility Analysis
Belfield is a small village centre straddling the boundary between the Canterbury Bankstown and Strathfield local government areas. The village is a gateway opportunity to welcome people to the Canterbury Bankstown LGA, for a revitalised village core that creates sense of welcome and place.
As a small village centre, Belfield is not expected to accommodate significant housing and job growth. The project develops the Belfield Masterplan that articulates a fresh, clear aspiration for the future of Belfield, including built form and public domain initiatives, informed by place analysis and stakeholder input.
Business and capital investment does not occur in a vacuum. Regardless of administrative boundaries (LGA boundaries), business and development activity will gravitate to the most attractive investment opportunity.
What we did
Atlas provided land economics and economic development strategy advice to assist with development of a Masterplan and eventual implementation.
More specifically, Atlas advised on the following issues in the Belfield centre as part of iterative input into development of a Masterplan:
- The need for various land uses and floorspace.
- If capacity in the existing planning framework is sufficient to meet the identified need/demand for land uses.
- Development feasibility of different densities and the corresponding take-up of residential and non-residential land uses.
- Capacity of development to fund local infrastructure (including affordable housing) and if planning incentives are required.
- Appraisal of Masterplan options and rationale to support selection of a preferred Masterplan option.
- Recommendations for implementation of the Masterplan including planning and non-planning interventions.
The outcome
The City of Canterbury Bankstown Council continues to engage with the community and landowners as it seeks input to inform the Masterplan.
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