ACT Indicative Land Release Program

Analysis of Development Yields and Delivery Options
Each year, the ACT Government releases an Indicative Land Release Program. (ILRP) This specifies the government’s land sales for the coming four years to meet the housing needs of the population.
The Indicative Land Release Program 2021-22 to 2024-26 identifies indicative yields for specified sites and release timing.
Prior to release, the Suburban Land Agency (SLA) sought to investigate the development capacity and financial feasibility of the sites identified for release in the 2022-23 financial year.
What we did
Atlas led the project to review opportunities within the Territory Plan that are applicable, investigate the environmental capacity of the sites for development and test the corresponding financial feasibility.
The investigations included a supply and demand analysis to consider the competitive context between areas and emerging trends that influence the nature of demand. This was necessary to ensure release of the sites were ground in market reality.
The outcome
The Market Appraisal’s view on future market demand and movements in the post-2021 and 2022 period informed the Indicative Land Release Program. The 2022-23 to 2026-27 program has been released. Expressions of interest have since been called for sites identified in the ILRP.
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